Thank you.
On the UN declaration and the implementation of the act, I believe the final report is being released. It's supposed to be this month. That's the UN declaration act. To implement the UN declaration fully, on the rights of indigenous peoples in Canada, all Canadian laws need to be completely compatible with that UN declaration. Canada's laws cannot override that base set of standards that the UN declaration sets out.
I remember when I first read the UN declaration. I was in law school in 2009. I remember looking at it and thinking why didn't we just have this all along, and there would be no issues. All our treaties would have been honoured. We would have a right to practice and to exercise all our rights inherently, and we would have the right to self-determination recognized.
Canada needs to ensure that its laws are changed to make them compatible with the UN declaration. That means a complete overhaul of laws, but we know that Canada is there for Canada. Canada is not here to protect all the rights of indigenous peoples. If that was the case, there would be no Canada because the indigenous peoples wouldn't have allowed it. They wouldn't have allowed such blatant: Yes, you can come here. You can have all our land. You can put us on reserves. You can put us in residential schools. You can put policy in place to starve us, commit genocide, and then we're all good.
Colonization is what created Canada, and created all the countries that have indigenous people and that now have outside governments running them. Those were made in the name of empire building and not “let's go out and protect indigenous people and lands”.
We have this Canadian law structure that's completely incompatible with the UN declaration. It needs to be made compatible. All these processes that Canada has put in place, and the provinces, those need to be eradicated, because none of these structures, processes and legislation are there to protect indigenous people and the lands. The purpose of exploration here was to get to the lands.
There is a lot of work to do. I do not believe there ever will be 100% reconciliation, because 100% reconciliation is implementation of treaty obligations, and it's allowing nations to have full self-determination over their lands and themselves. There is a lot of work to do, and I do not believe I will be able to see it in my lifetime. I sure wish that were different, but I don't believe that's so.