I think we're very much at the concept level. The approach of CME is to look at this as an initiative that would be part of a national strategy. So it would not be, at least from my organization's point of view, just Nova Scotia or just Atlantic for the sake of Atlantic. It would only work if it's part of a national initiative. Locally, many people are involved in maximizing the advantages here on the east coast.
The discussions are just starting, and I think we're still at the consensus-building stage. In Nova Scotia there has been a senior provincial government official designated as a gateway officer. I believe that there's been an important study commissioned to address some of the issues related to logistics and cooperation.
At this point, the position of the CME is that we see it as a huge opportunity, and to the extent that we can, we're going to try to lead discussion on this and try to build consensus so we can present a nice sensible package that others can sign on to.