What we would really hope is that the test for forbearance, the framework--however it's amended--will provide certainty.
Remember, in Manitoba we will be seeking forbearance in the city of Winnipeg, because that's where Shaw is present. Nationally we want to make sure that forbearance is not granted in markets until competition is present.
The problem we have is that this test of mere presence, of counting providers, really has nothing to do with the presence or not of competitive market forces. And if we want competitive market forces, we should follow the specific recommendation of the telecom policy review panel report, which was to review, and if there is market power, don't forbear the retail pricing of the incumbents; if there is no more market power present, then forbear.
So we would prefer to see the order revised. If six months of hearings would help us do that, then certainly we'd be in favour of that.