I'm not personally aware of the difficulties in your riding with respect to our quality of service. Obviously our operations in the Telus Quebec territory face different challenges from those in other parts of our operating territory, where there is denser population.
We do take quality of service very seriously. We actually believe that quality of service is not something that should be dictated by the CRTC, but by our customers. Also we think about the CRTC requirements as sort of a minimum, not a maximum, level when it comes to quality. We do take pride in our ability to serve our customers well. If there are particular issues, I'd be happy to follow up with you.
What I can tell you is that if we don't keep our customers happy, then they will leave when competition comes. It is one of the best incentives to make sure we address any quality of service issues that we have. So we recognize that in increasingly competitive markets, it's customers and their ability to leave us that makes sure we keep them happy.