I think I can answer that. I've been enforcing IP rights on behalf of clients for a long time.
What I find is that although the basic tools are there, it's very difficult to bring these rights to bear. I would say the border enforcement tools are not there, but if you're in-country dealing with an in-country sale of product, you can look to the Copyright Act, you can look to the Trade-marks Act. The causes of action are there, but it's very difficult to bring these things to bear.
You've heard Michael Hilliard testify about the Microsoft Interplus case. It takes a lot of work and time to litigate on a file like this. And faced with a vigorous defence, it's going to cost a fortune.
We need to have our legislation fine-tuned to make it more efficient and effective. There are other specific things, like camcording—we talked about border enforcement—but the rights that are there have to be tuned up a bit to allow us to pursue this effectively and efficiently.