I don't understand very well the intent to micromanage justice. I sure hope that if ever an appeal is lodged, it's going to be judged by somebody who has legal experience. To say that it has to be legal experience in such-and-such an area of justice seems to be a little preposterous, for a parliamentary entity or the Parliament of Canada to say to the head judge of whichever court is going to hear the appeal, “Make sure the guy you name will be competent.” This is kind of funny, as far as I'm concerned.
As much as we have to defer to the courts as far as their ability to judge is concerned, I would be a little bit terrified that any of those modifications could end up justifying somebody deciding that the injunction given will be suspended for the appeal.
How is that timing going about?
Will the right to appeal, which exists regardless of the amendment, allow for the harmful activity to be continued or will the injunction remain in force throughout the appeal?