I'd like us to get back on point, to focus on science.
From time to time, the media reports that Canada does not seem to invest heavily enough in the sciences. We are starting to hear people talk about this situation. According to Mr. Godbout from Genome Canada, it is very difficult for Canada to attract top-rate scientists because these individuals command high salaries.
In your opinion, should Canada make a greater effort to invest in the sciences? As I see it, that is the way of the future. Canada must invest in knowledge and, more importantly, in industrialization. The government must embark on this path and support scientific research. Shouldn't it be investing more heavily in order to attract leading scientists and researchers? Given its relatively small population, is this something Canada can do, in your opinion?
As for my second question, we have already discussed this in committee, namely how to get young people and women interested in the sciences. We need to prepare the next generation of scientists. Do you have any suggestions for us on how to make that happen?