In the last couple of years, we've been seeing a breakdown of the silos and a trend towards working together. Certainly Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the NRC have a long history of working together. Some of it goes back a long way, but it's much more active recently, with the setting up of a national bioproducts program and the like.
Also, there are a number of examples across the country that have strong provincial participation. The National Institute for Nanotechnology is a 50-50 partnership between the University of Alberta, funded directly by the province, and the National Research Council, funded by the federal government. That's a new model and a novel way of working together.
In Charlottetown there's the Institute for Nutrisciences and Health, which has Ag Canada, NRC, the province, and the University of P.E.I. working together, sharing the same facility. You can't tell by looking at the people who they're working for—they're using the same infrastructure. There definitely is a trend towards working together.