Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am very pleased to see you here today.
Mr. Carey, you make the following statement in your brief:
The Science Plan identifies three strategic directions which will guide our efforts over the coming ten years: 1. Developing an integrated environmental monitoring and prediction capability; 2. Understanding cumulative risks; and, 3. Managing risks, optimizing opportunities and building resilience.
These strategic directions are broad enough to allow us to examine certain issues, but when, on a weekly basis, we see tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados and the like occurring all over the world, one has the sense that human beings need to work very hard. It is often said that these are “acts of God”. However, these risks are very real.
Are we equipped to deal with them?
I want to connect that back to what you said at the outset, which was that two thirds of your employees are involved in related activities, as opposed to research. Is that the proper balance? Is it enough? Both your plan and your strategic direction require a great deal of research. Did you say that to advise us that your Department does not have enough researchers?