I can only speak for myself, but if I look at my small business here in Ottawa, with 30 employees, in the last year on the credit cards alone, my fees have gone up 25%. I can't control what cards come in. My statements used to be one page long. Now there are about 10 or 15 pages of fees of different cards, such as Infinite and all these little changes.
If they change the debit structure, it's going to have a horrible impact on my business. Right now, we pay a fee per transaction. If I go on a transaction basis on a percentage basis, I have no way of passing it on to the consumer. I can't go back to the consumer and say, “Please, I'd like to charge you 2% or 3% more.” I can't do that. I don't have the power to negotiate with the Visas and MasterCards. I have one store with 30 employees. A lot of members have the same thing.