Could I address that, because I talked about the distinction between “unsolicited” and “unwanted”.
There are going to be instances, at least in my own experience—and yours may differ substantially—where I'm not going to seek something out, but information about it would be welcome. For example, I don't have a commercial or an association relationship with a professional peer, but I do have contact with him on a regular basis, and when this individual changes firms he sends out e-mail to his mailing list to let people know that he no longer is with firm X but is with firm Y. I would never actively go through my Rolodex asking people to keep me up to date on their addresses, but if he did that, it is not necessarily unwanted and not something I solicited. That would be caught under the legislation as it is now, because that e-mail message would be to promote that individual as a person who offers goods and service, and so it would be a commercial e-mail message. We're getting into some pretty fine distinctions between these sorts of messages.
I don't mind if, from time to time, I get contacted in my professional capacity about something I may not seek out; but it is not necessarily something that is unwelcome. If somebody wants to put forward a business proposal where they are not looking to sell me something or to buy something from me but are looking at an opportunity for us to collaborate as business people, that is captured within the definition of a commercial message under the legislation. I don't know who to seek out to give them my consent to contact me in that way, but it may be something that would ultimately be welcome. That's where we get into these distinctions, and it is a little bit of a challenge to come up with general rules that would encompass them all.