I can start, but I see that Joanne wanted to jump in there.
The do-not-call list is obviously a different model that I think will prove itself over time. That's why it's important to give it the time necessary to work out.
As far as this bill and PIPEDA are concerned, I would say there's a lot of consistency in the approach. The definitions certainly would seem to mesh. I think the two pieces of legislation have been well thought out in the area of consistency.
As far as this legislation and your previous question about the philosophical approach to this is concerned, again, it was either go this way or that way, but I think the ultimate objective is the same. I think a lot of thought has gone into this bill, but it needs some important tweaking to make it workable.
I hearken back also to what I believe Mr. Garneau said earlier. Do you want to put in a piece of legislation that's really tough and stops everything, or do you want to put in something that goes some way and see how it works?
I'm for the “go some way and see how it works” approach, because you can always go back and put more rules in place if it's not working out.