For example, if I do business with you, it doesn't mean that I need a financial adviser who is going to try and sell me an RRSP or some such thing. If I have a business relationship with you, there is a specific reason for it and it is not because I want to have five or ten business relationships with affiliates of the bank that want to sell me their products. Among other things, that is one of the reasons why we want to minimize this possibility. I think that is how Option consommateurs views the situation.
I agree with you that legitimate marketing activities should be allowed in order to maintain a relationship with the customer. It is not a matter of breaking off all ties with him or her. If I have a direct relationship with you and I consent to maintaining that relationship, then there is no problem. As Mr. Gray and Mr. Kee were saying, it is important to continue doing business with the customer. These days, electronic commerce is, in my opinion, the easiest way of doing that. If we impose restrictions at this time, some foreign companies will not stop their electronic commerce activities, all the more so since the door will be wide open to them.
Mr. Gray or Mr. Kee, would either one of you care to comment?