Well, it's certainly true. Your own experience is obviously very representative of the non-profit sector. The vast majority of these organizations are very small. Over half of them have no staff at all; another big chunk, about a quarter, have less than five staff. When they do have staff, they tend to be generalists, people with a wide variety of skills, who maybe have been promoted up through the ranks to become executive director, etc. So anything that adds red tape and paper, or things like that, to their lives is time they're not going to be spending delivering the services they really want to deliver.
Also, for many of these organizations, their funding does not actually provide them with any time to do this sort of thing either. So it is very difficult.
When we were looking at the act, and our task force was looking at the act, although its stated aim was to make things simpler and to reduce red tape, we weren't so sure it was going to accomplish that. In fact, it wasn't likely to reduce it, and maybe it would, as Susan was saying, in some of its sections, actually add to the red tape, or make it more complicated. A lot of that stuff doesn't apply to a lot of organizations, but they have to spend time figuring out that it doesn't apply to them. So that's definitely a challenge.
Susan, did you have anything to add?