To ACOA? You can ask the deputy minister about that right now. In fact, it's the first vote, so you can ask him about it. As I said before, though, while the votes fall under Industry Canada, it is a stand-alone agency, unlike FedNor, and he may not have the exact answers. The president of ACOA--I believe it's a woman--would be able to answer.
As I said before to other members, the next time we review either the main estimates or the supplementary estimates, if you wish to ask specific questions of specific agencies, let me know and I will ensure that those witnesses are invited.
This meeting has been called because Mr. Wallace has been pestering me--in a good way--to review the supplementary estimates each and every time. I commend him for that diligence. To that end, he was only interested in seeing the deputy minister, the chief financial officer, and the assistant deputy minister, so those were the witnesses I invited. But if other members wish to hear from other witnesses, you just have to let me know and let the clerk know and we will invite them.
So you can go ahead and ask about ACOA, but be forewarned that the deputy minister may not have the exact answers, as it's a very large department with a number of agencies.