My question, then, for Mr. Drummond will sound a little repetitive if you heard my questions for Mr. McLeish. I made the argument to Mr. McLeish that this is not a statistical question the government is trying to answer with the measures that we've taken. We're answering a fundamental question about democratic freedom in our society.
The primary question is should individuals be threatened with jail time and/or fines because they don't want to answer such questions as how many bedrooms are in your house, how much housework do you do, how much time do you spend with your kids, or those types of things? Some people, the opposition parties, say, yes, that's the way to go, and we say, no, we don't think that should happen.
I guess my question for you is do you think that Canadians, in order for us to achieve the mandatory part of the long form you're talking about, should be threatened with jail time and/or fines if they don't want to answer a question? I'll use the specific example of how much housework you do a week.