Let me try to answer the question, and please ask another question if you so desire.
First, I'm not really familiar with Nortel, but I will make the difference based on what I know. One of our objectives here, from day one, is to protect the pension interests of our retirees and active employees. You'll see, once we announce our pension resolution, that it is quite significantly different from many other restructurings in Canada, and in fact protects workers rights to a degree that I don't think is common in the CCAA process.
Second, specifically to the management team of the company, we are participating in the cost reduction initiative, first through significant reduction in total management of the company in terms of head count. As I mentioned, we've reduced it by some 50%. The management team has received no wage increase for the last four years. The management team volunteered not to take any incentive payments during the restructuring process. To compare that with what Nortel's management actually did, they paid themselves incentives while in restructuring, and we have not done that. In 2008, under the terms of the agreement the management team had earned a synergy bonus, and the management team refused to accept the synergy bonus and did not take that payment. Finally, the management team at the senior level has agreed to a 15% wage reduction as part of this restructuring plan, as approved by the creditors.
I would point out that the incentive you mentioned has not been paid. It is an incentive that will be paid at the discretion of the new board of directors, subject to successful emergence from CCAA and chapter 11 in the U.S. and Canada.
A final comment is that one of the principles of the incentive plan was that we are spending $12 million a month in fees to lawyers, accountants, advisers, bankers—a whole list of people—so it seemed reasonable, from our creditors' point of view, to incent management to get this process over with merely on the fact that we're spending some $12 million per month, every month we're in this process. It seemed to be a reasonable business proposition to get the process over with and get out, and our creditors have supported that.