I think we need to take a look at what we can do in regard to pensions overall. We know one of the problems with all pension plans, whether they're into bankruptcy or not into bankruptcy right now, is the solvency issue. It's because of the downturn in the economy. We need to take a look at that, basically, so we don't jeopardize them.
In regard to CCAA, we need to look at whatever option is there to ensure that the worker is not going to take a penalty and take a cut. We need to have the financial institutions making dollars, but when they're making billions of dollars in profits....
When there was a downturn in the economy, we didn't see any banks across Canada go bankrupt. What we see, though, is that we have to pay $12.95 a month for our bank services and $1.50 to take money out of a machine. We need to look to ensure that the workers are treated fairly and properly, because they have no other opportunities. They can't raise fees here and there. They have to use everything in their power in order to survive.
If you reduce a pensioner's benefits by 20%, 30%, 40% or 50%, all you've done is basically ruin their lifestyle. Some of them can't even afford to continue to pay for their house or to look after and maintain their house. We need to look at whatever is out there in order to ensure pensioners are going to receive what they've earned over their years of employment.