One thing has to be noted. During the proceedings on ITMPs and throttling and the UBB, Bell always reported the figures on congestion confidentially. We ordinary people saw some lovely tic tac toe, while the CRTC saw the real figures. It's very difficult for us to tell exactly what Bell has.
In the forums and elsewhere, we don't hear complaints about congestion or complaints about Internet slowdown. There are isolated problems that we find here and there. For example, take the case if Bell has a link that breaks. If there are three links between two central offices and one of those links breaks, there will be congestion for a day or two. If Bell does its statistics during those days, it can show there was major congestion on the network. We can't judge from that whether there was congestion or not. However, it doesn't seem there has been congestion in most cases in the entire territory covered by Bell.