I just want to say that I'm a little disappointed that this is the direction we're going in here right now, because I'll remind you what was said a little while ago, in the last meeting. Mr. McTeague was speaking to Roger Charland, I believe. He said, when we were talking about the amendments that I had put forth and set up, “I'm just wondering how this is now transforming the intent of the original bill”. And Mr. Charland's response was “No, it clarifies the language and makes it even more clear”. So I just wanted to register my disappointment with what's happened with these amendments, first of all.
Secondly, I think Mr. Wallace is unfortunately trying to muddy the waters here, because one of two things will happen when a company goes bankrupt. And we're not talking about management people here, because they make their own deals when they sign their own contracts with companies. It doesn't matter if it's a Bell Canada or if it's a small corporation or small company in small-town Canada. They make their own deals. But for the folks who by and large work for fixed salaries or for hourly rates, again I just want to emphasize that there's one of two situations. One is that they belong to a collective agreement or they don't have a collective agreement. It's clearly laid out in every collective agreement what happens in the case of termination and severance, and in the case of not having that kind of contract, that kind of protection, as I say, again, the minimum in the provinces and territories of what is required by the Canada Labour Code will kick in. And those minimums are there for a reason.
What this bill now does--and correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Dooley--is get rid of all the pension elements entirely in this bill that we were talking about. It leaves us with termination and severance, and simply indicates that rather than companies going bankrupt and nobody getting anything, at least severance and termination will be part of what happens in that bankruptcy. And I certainly think that's more than fair.
Mr. Chair, if I can, I would take 30 seconds to give a brief overview of what's recently happened in my riding with Buchanan Forest Products. Buchanan Forest Products just went bankrupt, and there are thousands of workers we're talking about here. The only secured creditor is Mr. Buchanan himself, through a holding company. Those workers, some of whom worked there for 40-plus years, received no termination pay, no benefit for having worked there for all those years, aside from the pension, which they also lose. So they come out of that with absolutely nothing. And to make matters worse, WEPP, which we mentioned there, the workers' protection, are saying that they don't qualify because they're past the time limit because they were in protection first, that's when they say the WEPP timing started, and by the time they went bankrupt, they were past that time. So they actually get nothing at all.
I don't think it's unreasonable, given what's happened to the bill here now, with the termination and severance, which is now remaining in there.... I don't think we should have any difficulty in this committee saying that's the least that people should get. If there are regulations to be written, they will be written, if it gets to that point. And there may be some changes and the clarifications that Mr. Wallace is talking about will happen.
If we're going to move ahead with this as it is, I just take us back full circle again to my comments at the beginning, that this committee has worked very hard to come up with something. We heard witness after witness come before us and say that something needs to be done. Everyone--it doesn't matter if they were from AbitibiBowater or anybody else.
Now, it appears to me, we have an opportunity to do something—not what I had originally intended with the bill, but an opportunity to do something—that will have not a great impact in bankruptcy proceedings and will allow people who work for that company at least the opportunity to receive $2,000, or $3,500, or whatever the case may be. I know that in the case of Buchanan Forest Products, the longest-serving employee there should, as part of their collective agreement, be getting $13,500. I don't think that's too much to ask for 40 years of work for a company. But now they get nothing.
We have an opportunity here to really do at least something good—not what was intended, but something.
I leave it at that.