Good morning.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. We at Shaw also appreciate the opportunity to participate in this proceeding.
I am Ken Stein, senior vice-president of corporate and regulatory affairs at Shaw Communications. I am joined by Jean Brazeau, who is the senior vice-president of regulatory affairs. I will start our presentation, and Jean will conclude.
We support the initiative taken by the committee to study Canada's foreign ownership rules and regulations. We urge the committee to ensure the non-discriminatory elimination of restrictions on foreign ownership under the Telecommunications Act and the Broadcasting Act.
Shaw has consistently demonstrated our commitment to Canada's productivity by investing, innovating, providing facilities-based competition, serving customers, and employing now over 10,000 Canadians. As Canada moves to a knowledge-based economy, investments in digital infrastructure are the most important investments we can make.
Shaw has invested $6.5 billion since 2000. As a result, our 2.3 million cable customers have benefited from significant capacity upgrades to support over 150 digital services, 50 high-definition channels, pay-per-view, video on demand, and 3-D television. We have over 9,000 satellite customers, including many in rural and remote communities.
We have over one million high-definition customers. We have one million digital phone customers; in fact, 42% of our cable customers now take our phone service. We have 1.7 million Internet customers. We provide customers with Internet speeds up to 100 megabytes per second, and this year we expect to become Canada's first provider to trial the use of gigabit Internet technology delivered over fibre to the home, which will offer revolutionary speeds of 1,000 megabytes per second.
We have closed the broadband gap—despite what some people may say—by providing high-speed Internet service to small towns such as Wasa, British Columbia; Magrath, Alberta; Stonewall, Manitoba; and Red Lake, Ontario. Our critically important investments and our deployment of new technologies should be supported, not undermined, by government policy and regulation, including the foreign investment rules.
We would like to make the following specific recommendations.
First, as we have just explained, we are not just a cable company. We are a fully integrated communications company. We compete with other telecommunications, cable, and satellite companies in telephony, wireless, Internet, and television distribution markets. In this converged environment, it is unacceptable to lift ownership restrictions in only one sector or for the benefit of only one group of competitors. Such an approach will inappropriately distort the market and provide certain competitors with a significant and unfair advantage. Any changes that are discriminatory or unfair will not help achieve our policy goals of increased investment and greater productivity. Furthermore, we do not support the incrementalist approach to amending the Telecommunications Act as recently proposed in the budget implementation bill, because the rule changes apply only to one narrowly defined sector.
Our second point is that Canadian cable and satellite distribution companies must not be treated differently because of misconceived cultural concerns. In countries across the world, foreign investment has helped create strong cable and satellite companies without compromising domestic cultural or other public interest objectives. The U.S. has no foreign ownership restrictions on cable companies, or for that matter on cable programming services, and they maintain those restrictions only for over-the-air broadcasters. Moreover, European Union member states do not restrict foreign investment in telecommunications and cable companies. This is so even though they are concerned about the cultural influence, as are we, of U.S. media content. To address those concerns, the EU mandates effective domestic content rules for broadcasters and it permits member states to enact cable carriage rules. This is appropriate. However, the EU sees no contradiction between open capital markets and cultural regulation. In Canada, the policy objectives of the Broadcasting Act have helped to ensure predominance of Canadian content.
The rules governing content will stay in place, regardless of who owns the pipes.