I really think that many of these studies, particularly many of the OECD studies, have a lot of malarkey in them. The OECD wireless study, for example, shows the U.S. as the most expensive wireless country in the world. Most people think the U.S. has a very competitive wireless industry.
You have to look at the right metrics when you're making these comparisons. In wireless, for example, you could ask what the average revenue is per minute. That's the simplest, easiest way to compare countries, and when you do that, Canada is one of the ten cheapest countries in the world. If you look at our broadband services and at the speeds you're actually getting, as opposed to the speeds that people are advertising, again we provide some of the best value in the world. So I think that if the studies are done properly....
There was a World Economic Forum report that came out showing Canada as seventh-best in the world. Professor Waverman wrote an editorial in The Globe and Mail a few weeks ago in which he showed that the OECD studies were wrong and that Canada was one of the cheapest countries.
If you look at the right numbers and look at the question properly, I believe we're doing very well in Canada.