We do have some suggestions in mind. We didn't intend to discuss them today, simply because we didn't feel that we were getting into that level of detail.
As I mentioned earlier, in terms of general notions I think patent expertise is really important. What fits into that is having the right expertise to do the search and examination work that is required at CIPO. I think CIPO is doing a tremendous job in trying to improve their standards.
Ideally, a company like RIM would like to see CIPO considered as a top search authority internationally. I know there has been tremendous progress so far. CIPO probably needs to stay on that track and perhaps even go further than what has been accomplished so far. That's one area that potentially could benefit CIPO.
In terms of examination, I think CIPO has already done quite a bit of work in trying to leverage the examination work that's done by other patent offices around the world. I think that's really important.
We don't want CIPO to recreate the wheel. We don't want them to recreate the work that has been done by other patent offices around the world, the ones that are viewed as being at the top of the group in terms of the quality of the examination that's done. I think CIPO needs to continue and perhaps do even more leveraging of the examination work that is being done in other jurisdictions.