Thank you to everyone for being here.
That last remark actually provides a perfect segue into the start of my remarks. There were members of the American industry in not just video games but in animation who were picketing the Oscars last night because of the tax credits and assistance we provide to help foster our industry and maintain those competitive advantages that we have here at home.
If we want to continue to build and grow this industry, we can't take the foot off the gas. The minute you take the foot off the gas, somebody else will come up behind and overtake you. The rest of the world is looking at Canada's model and what we've done to create a successful video game industry. One of those big competitive advantages we've had has been that local talent pool, so continuing to foster that local talent pool is going to be important for years to come to continue to grow the industry.
I think what was being said from both sides was actually two parts of the same problem. We heard last week from Jason Della Rocca, who works with start-ups and small companies, and from Ubisoft about how the big and small companies actually have very different needs for what will help to make them successful. The large companies are facing a problem where there isn't enough of that upper-end talent that's local, so they need to bring people over. Then you're saying you need to have that talent come over, show the local people how to do it, and then they get to be trained so that they can then take over those jobs.
Of course, having all of these large foreign companies that have come to Canada and set up shop here, like EA and Ubisoft, helps to develop that talent pool so that we can keep growing. Then we'll have more entrepreneurs and more start-ups and more small companies. If we provide the right supports for them, they'll grow and employ more Canadians and employ more local talent. Then we will actually have the local talent pool so that the big companies have enough people to draw from as well, because we heard them say at the committee that they would much rather hire the local talent, because it costs a lot of money to bring somebody from overseas. You bring them over; you have to pay for their travel and you have to pay them a premium for uprooting them. It's actually much cheaper to hire the local Canadian talent.
We know that it's providing $3.2 billion to Canada's GDP in an industry where there's lots of room to grow. When you're talking with small companies, a sound stage would be like the one that I worked on one time. It had a microphone with open sleeping bags surrounding it, and we had to use a flashlight to read our lines. Then there's the 3-D motion capture studio at Ubisoft that's being run by a former member from Industrial Light & Magic where the actors are in that room wearing all these sensors. They can't see anything. They have to imagine the scene in front of them. The director is sitting there with the camera on them and the director can actually see the scenery and everything behind them. It is a very specialized talent, and some assistance is going to be required to actually develop that talent pool. I'm happy to see that ACTRA and the industry are working together to further develop that talent pool.
There was $2 million in salaries paid last year. That's a good amount. Those are good family-supporting jobs for the most part, but there's still a fair amount of contract work and you have to go from job to job.
What would be the single thing that would help the actors most to maintain and sustain themselves in these careers so that they can continue to work and to receive the training to get better at those jobs so that they can actually continue to grow and get pay raises and an improved standard of living?