As a matter of fact, those organizations, many of the banks, of course, but the government agencies and others, are working with us on that because of the level above.
Why I was even speaking as much as I was is that I was in a cybersecurity U.K.-Canada colloquium that was taking place with their cybersecurity experts, and some of us from Canada on the other side, about two months ago. Unfortunately one of the thoughts was that this is what you do after a cybersecurity attack takes place, this is how you try to recover, like the Tylenol scandal. I thought, “What?” It was amazing to me that that was a general thought, even from the U.K. Thomson Reuters was there as well.
We started to give them this view that this is how a number of other people are doing it here in Canada, and we are taking steps not permeated everywhere. Venus in Ottawa is now a centre of knowledge where people are starting to get the latest in the understanding of how to do this.
I'd say that we in Canada could have a leg up further. If you're going off in your own practices, going to an open Internet somewhere, and trying to put your personal information there, or answering questions when someone says, “Hey, check your bank account. Answer this question and put in your personal information”, then shame on you. That can happen. More education is required.
In terms of systems, to be able to do that thoughtfully, and to have it permeate through your system view of cybersecurity, that is what is required. That's what we have said, that you can take steps. It's not one vendor's view. It's a network of people. I will cite Venus here in Ottawa as one of the leading collaboratives that understands the different steps that are needed.