No, certainly not. Obviously for rookie MPs it's a challenging role. I was a rookie MP too, and I know what it's like to even learn those things on the job, and to be thrown into a ministerial role is very difficult.
I wanted to give you a compliment because we've been able to work really well together as tourism minister and tourism critic. We may not always necessarily agree on things, and certainly you've had to be the messenger for the government on some things that I found pretty frustrating, but there are times when we are able to work together. I do believe that means you are probably someone who, when something is raised with you, is prepared to go back and take a look at things to see if there's something you may be able to do to be better. That's something I appreciate about you. Unfortunately, I have not found the revenue minister to be the same way. I've raised this issue with her over and over again, as I know a number of my colleagues have, and we continue to get back the exact same talking points over and over again, which are probably written by a bureaucrat, and she hasn't gone back and challenged that. However, I'm hoping it's different in your case, and I believe it probably is.
I know I've raised this issue with you before, and I just wanted to get your sense on this. I raised this issue with you in this committee almost a year ago now, and a recommendation was made by the finance committee dealing with the issue of the campgrounds and the way they're being treated as passive income when they're certainly anything but passive. That was a unanimous recommendation of the finance committee, and it included all parties, and we continue to get the same talking point from the revenue minister that nothing has changed. Clearly that's not the case when we hear stories like we just heard, and I've heard a number of them.
Short of telling them to work with the revenue minister, who I don't think is listening, what else can you suggest as an opportunity for these campgrounds to deal with this issue, so that their businesses survive and don't have the huge new tax bills they are facing?