As I said, we have the Access Copyright licence, which is certainly sufficient, I would say, for most public libraries. If it's sufficient for us, given our size, I would say it's sufficient for most public libraries.
Unlike academic publishing, we're seeing a huge increase and spending more and more money every year on e-books and e-audiobooks, and those are things our public is demanding. We're certainly seeing a growth, both in downloadable and streaming. Videos are also another big area. Print is flat. The reason we're able to continue to purchase the amount of print we do is because DVDs are falling rapidly, so we're able to shift our funds into e-books and e-audiobooks. For us, it's an ever-growing market. It goes up 20% to 30% year after year after year. E-audiobooks especially are in a huge period of growth now, and it's the same for publishers: it's the biggest format growth that they're dealing with right now.