We buy Kanopy, obviously, through the vendor, and what the compensation is between the creator and Kanopy itself is one of the things that we, as libraries, really don't know. The same thing is true of OverDrive, which is the premier worldwide provider of e-books for libraries. We've actually talked to publishers who don't understand how much they are getting paid from Overdrive or what the agreement is. It's a very grey area because instead of just buying your book directly from the publisher or even through a library vendor where it's very clear, you have that third party who is between you and the publisher.
What happens within that realm is very difficult. As I was saying, we asked them, for example, why we cannot get access to Canadian titles that American libraries have access to, like Louise Penny's books. We don't have access to them, yet they're in American libraries. When we ask, they say, “Well, we forgot to negotiate the Canadian rights”, which is no answer at all.