I'll give you a couple of broad statistics. I know you're asking specifically about steel. In the past three years, from a non-financial advisory standpoint specific to manufacturing—and remember that we operate as an advisory service—it's an investment that the bank makes for each mandate that we do. We've done almost 2,000 different mandates with focuses being on operational efficiency, sales and marketing, and, probably most popular, strategy and management support. Whereas the entrepreneur companies are growing, they often aren't very clear regarding the path they need to follow in order to obtain the goals they want. As I said, there have been almost 2,000 mandates in that regard, and from the bank's standpoint, we've made an investment of almost $40 million.
I'll be honest. We don't necessarily look specifically by sector. We manage across pretty much every one you can imagine. I'm sure if I were to dig into the stats, we'd see many mandates, because we do cover coast to coast, and we do cover all sectors. We get asked, and it's usually the same request. We're sector-agnostic in that regard.