I'll start, and I'll ask Ms. Susan Rohac to complement my answer.
The reality is that the only thing we do is support entrepreneurs. We don't take deposits. We don't do lines of credit. We help through term lending, venture capital investments, and advice.
We look at projects and look at how those projects are structured, and then we're able to price according to risk. With the pricing structure, if you compare Canada and the U.S., in the U.S. you have a broad pricing structure and the availability of capital according to different stages of risk. In Canada it's pretty shallow. It's within a couple of percentage points of prime.
We price for risk, and we'll take into consideration other aspects. We'll also provide more leverage, and so we'll finance a greater part of the asset. In equipment, particularly, we'll finance up to 125% of the value of the equipment to incentivize the entrepreneur to invest in machinery, equipment, and ICT so that they are able to have an incentive to bring that into their company and increase their productivity.
We really look project by project, and we try to structure the financing according to the needs of the clients. It's very highly customized financing for the client.
Susan, you may want to complement that.