Thank you, Mr. Chair, vice-chairs and members of the committee.
My name is David Goldstein and I am the President and CEO of Destination Canada. I am joined by my colleagues Ms. Sidhu and Mr. Verret to answer your questions.
We are very pleased to be here and take part in your review of the activities under Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. These are exciting times for the industry and for Destination Canada.
Today we'd like to provide you some background on our organization to give you a taste of two of our key upcoming initiatives.
As you are aware, our authority flows from the Canadian Tourism Commission Act of 2000, and our raison d'être is twofold. The first is to work with the industry, provinces, and Canadian destinations to create campaigns that stimulate demand and inspire international business and leisure travellers to choose Canada. The second is to provide business-to-business connections between Canadian entrepreneurs and international buyers in a very competitive global environment.
Based in Vancouver and operating in 12 global markets, we build on our parliamentary A-base of $58 million a year, with an additional $30 million over the next three years to relaunch our U.S. leisure market program. In turn, we stimulate a one-to-one co-investment from our partners for every federal dollar. To that end, we support Canada's $88-billion tourism sector, which generates over $17 billion in annual foreign exchange receipts for the Canadian economy.
We strive to be at the cutting edge of digital marketing and work to inspire a Team Canada collaborative approach, including our recent memorandum of understanding with the Aboriginal Tourism Association of Canada to help them bring their Canadian aboriginal tourism product to the international stage.
This collaboration with our department, ISED, runs across the federal family, including but not limited to Parks Canada, Immigration, Global Affairs, and the regional development agencies.
Tourism is Canada's number one services export sector. It stimulates economic diversification and creates businesses and jobs in every region of the country. It may be of interest to members of the committee that one in 11 jobs in this country depends on tourism, while the industry itself directly generates 650,000 jobs and is the largest employer of Canadians under 35.
The good news is that Canada is back. In 2015, for the first time in a decade, Canada surpassed the UNWTO global average for visitation growth. In 2015, global growth was up 4.5%, while Canada was up 7.5%, almost double the international average.
Ladies and gentlemen, our projections for 2016 and beyond continue to be strong. We will achieve these through our global programs, two of which we'd like to highlight for you today.
Next month, we will be launching Connecting America, our cutting-edge digital media campaign for the U.S. I was pleased to report at the recent federal-provincial-territorial tourism conference that we have full engagement from all 13 provinces and territories, demonstrating the power of a Team Canada approach to the U.S. market. Just to be clear, Connecting America is not a short-term opportunistic play to capitalize on the exchange rate. Our strategy is designed to better integrate our marketing efforts to deliver a deeper and longer lasting impact in our largest tourism market.
We have prepared the following video that helps illustrate a bit of the framework for the campaign we'll be launching in April.
[Video presentation]
Normally at Destination Canada we don't run domestic campaigns, but Canada's 150th anniversary provides us with a unique opportunity to inspire millennials—Canadians from 18 to 34—to connect with and explore their country. This is a demographic that we know loves to travel but is eight times more likely to travel abroad than to travel within Canada.
To inspire millennials to discover what their own country has to offer, we are launching this 12-month high-energy campaign in conjunction with Bell Media and their highly valued media services like MuchMusic and MusiquePlus.
The next video will help you get a sense of that excitement.
[Video presentation]
In conclusion, Mr. Chair, Vice-Chairs, and members of the committee, it's interesting that in July 2015, the Reputation Institute, an important international organization, named Canada the top destination in their Global RepTrak survey. Canada often consistently ranks first or second when it comes to its reputation around the world as a tourism destination, but stubbornly we are 17th when it comes to international arrivals. We believe this gap can be closed.
The Canada brand has never been stronger and together we are working to ensure that our world-class reputation is converted into a steady increase in arrivals and therefore business and economic gains for the country.
On behalf of my colleagues, I want to thank you for this opportunity to present. I look forward to working with the committee in the future on any of its potential studies. We are pleased to answer your questions today.
Thank you very much.