It's back in house.
I thank you for that. I think it's an important point to make, because Canadians did speak well on this in terms of a moral issue.
Lockheed Martin, for anyone that was aware, conducted an activity that across the world is actually illegal. The use of cluster munitions and scatter bombs by Canada is not even legal because we've signed a convention treaty. As well, they've been involved in infamous projects such as the stars wars program.
A lot of Canadians felt compelled to state that this was very disturbing, because when munitions come over to Canada.... If you're an immigrant, like my grandfather and my wife were, those weapons could have been used on their families. Even some of the legal and illegal warfare that goes on was affecting their families, including places like Iraq most recently.
That's an important point to make because there was an actual public campaign about it, The Privacy Commissioner was involved. There are others that actually looked at the Patriot Act, including the privacy commissioners. I want to commend the in-house development of that because it gives confidence in the product that you provide which is very valuable.
Thank you.