Spamhaus offers its threat intelligence data to individuals and small organizations for free. It always has. We are all believers in doing that. However, when we get into a big organization, we figure that we are saving them millions of dollars and making their customers happier. It costs us money to run our organization and to buy equipment, so they need to pay for it. All the small guys get it for free, though.
All the country-based incident response teams get our data for free so they can help secure their countries. CCIRC gets our data for free. CRTC gets some of our data for free. We are doing a lot of that. Not very many other companies do that; some do.
In terms of small companies trying to protect themselves, they can use our data as we suggest. They can go with other organizations that have similar data or with software techniques. We tend not to require the user to buy software. They are buying the information and they are using the software they already have to use it, but there are other solutions that do a much better job.