The messages that are sent out are ones that are designed to elicit fear or something of interest. They can work, for example, targeted at new Canadians, if it's fear-based. The ones that our seniors are sent might be an “interesting offer” kind of approach. They can receive the fear-based ones as well.
Both parties are susceptible to these calls, but seniors have the additional.... Well, there are two things I can honestly say. Generally speaking, as one gets older, one gets more trusting. Also, as one gets older there is some social isolation. That's what our client groups tell us. One is more susceptible just to taking any call. That is known by the scammer. That's why the high volumes get targeted at seniors. They're hoping to phish somebody who is lonely, to be honest.
I haven't studied the messaging, exactly what's said. I think the threats work better on folks who may be newer immigrants.