Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'll ask the first question, and my colleague Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay will ask the subsequent questions.
First, I want to point out that, during the crisis, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business conducted a number of surveys of its members. A total of 77% of respondents said that they lacked the cash flow to pay their suppliers, rent, mortgages and fixed costs; 65% were concerned about their business debt; 35% were worried about having to close their business permanently; and 9% said that they needed help but didn't qualify for programs.
These results were released on April 15. However, since then, there has been the April 17 announcement. I must admit that I was quite satisfied with that announcement. Minister Ng, I emailed you directly to tell you that some of the solutions, especially the funding of fixed costs, should involve the Réseau des SADC.
I'm very concerned about the fact that a number of our entrepreneurs, particularly the very small businesses and the people who pay themselves in dividends, are falling through the cracks. A good announcement was made on Friday, but unfortunately it slipped under the radar. Almost $1 billion is being made available to people who are falling through the cracks. This assistance will be provided through CED or the Community Futures Network of Canada.
However, almost a week has passed and we still don't know the eligibility rules for this funding. How will these measures be implemented and who will actually be eligible?
In light of this situation, as members of Parliament, we have no choice but to give very vague answers to the people in our region who need help and who are in distress. When will we know the eligibility rules and the details of these assistance measures?