Thank you, Madam Chair, and good afternoon everyone.
It's a real pleasure to be here on behalf of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada. It's also great to have Ms. Benoît, from Aéro Montréal, here as we represent mutual members in Quebec. We work very closely together.
We appreciate your interest in our industry and willingness to work with us on the challenges we are facing. We know we are not alone in these challenges. Our entire aerospace ecosystem is feeling the pressure, and is eager for a partnership with government.
Madam Chair and members, we appreciate the enormity of the economic and social challenges this government and you as parliamentarians are facing because of the pandemic.
Our members are part of your communities, and they are doing everything they can to ensure that 235,000 jobs generated by this sector are protected, but it has been a difficult task.
More than 60 years ago, political leadership partnered with industry to build Canada into an aerospace sector that has become a global leader. Those political and business leaders had foresight and determination. We need that same commitment now more than ever as we are grappling with the economic affects of COVID-19.
You may have seen in The Hill Times a simple advertisement, calling on the government to do something that all our international competitors have already done, that is to work with the Canadian industry to establish a long-term, nimble sector strategy.
Many of you are thinking, okay, that should be an easy thing to do, and we agree. However, we have been calling on the government to do just that for more than four years now.
Allow me to provide some background.
Our members represent over 95% of aerospace activity in Canada, covering the civil, defence and space sectors. Aerospace has been a driving contributor to Canadian prosperity for decades, responsible for the generation of nearly 235,000 jobs, and over $28 billion annually to our nation's economy. This hasn't happened by accident. Virtually every aspect of our daily life is touched by the innovation and technology driven by our sector.
Our past political leaders knew investment would yield significant dividends, and their vision proved correct. As a result, over the course of many years, Canada became the fifth largest aerospace industry on the planet, and a true source of pride for Canadians.
However, in recent years that vision, investment and support has been slipping, and so has Canada's global positioning. This decline started before the onset of COVID-19, and now the challenges have been compounded dramatically. As a nation, we're falling further and further behind, and our industry needs support now.
The challenges mean that our skilled workforce, our considerable talent, our jobs, and the good paycheques they provide are all at risk. However, we recognize this, and we started doing the heavy lifting years ago. We laid out the basis for our needed sector strategy in our “Vision 2025” document, and we have a path to once again make Canada a leader in aerospace. It's a path designed to shore up and leverage our strengths, and a path, guided by industry, that laid out a vision for a revitalized aerospace sector that would yield significant results for our national economy.
With the release of our road map, we called on government to join us, and renew Canada's overall commitment to global aerospace leadership. We highlighted priorities and gave detailed recommendations, but to our dismay, concrete action was not taken, and still has not been taken. COVID-19 has now significantly intensified the challenges.
A renewed partnership is essential to protecting the 235,000 highly skilled, well-paying jobs generated by this industry, and located in your ridings right across the country. We can't do it alone. We need partners in Parliament from all parties if we are to overcome the challenges, and leverage the opportunities that lie ahead.
Other countries, our competitors, have realized this. I cannot state this more seriously. Our competitor countries are positioning their sectors for the future to be leaders in this highly competitive field, and the good paycheques that come with it. They are doubling down with new funding partnerships, and we require the same. They know that successful aerospace industries are built on strong, determined government-industry partnerships.
Our question is, what are we waiting for here in Canada?
We are one of the few industries without a strategy for our industry. As a result, opportunities have been and will continue to be lost. We've had a global reputation for cutting-edge innovation, a skilled workforce that is the envy of the world, and a strong supply chain that's second to none.
With our export intensity at over 80%, the aerospace sector, and in particular the space sector, are a natural fit to help drive Canada's economic recovery. There are so many untapped opportunities, including in driving new, high-value jobs, innovation and leadership when it comes to green aviation, a stated priority of the government, but we need a plan and programs to capitalize on them.
As I said, our competitors are taking action. They are factoring this in, and they are implementing industry strategies and support, yet Canada is not.
I'll close off my remarks today by asking you to consider the strategic nature of this industry. Let's ensure that Canadians can continue to take pride in their aerospace industry from coast to coast; that Canada continues its leadership in R and D and in training; and that, most importantly, we protect our skilled workers and good-paying jobs and paycheques across the country. An overwhelming number, I should mention, are small businesses.
Let's not be naive. Let's not lose our talent. Canada's main competitive advantage has been our skilled workforce, and we are losing it due to COVID-19. Let's also acknowledge that aerospace exists in a fierce, globally competitive marketplace. Once our jobs leave, they don't come back.
On behalf of our industry, we urge all of you to continue the tradition and stand by us. Grow this sector for the future and protect its legacy and its jobs.
Thank you for your time.