Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here today.
I'm a Calgary MP, and I have received dozens of individual emails from constituents raising concerns about this transaction. Some of them are concerned about competition. Some of them are concerned about the impact of this deal on the local economy in Calgary and employment in Calgary. Many people who work for Shaw live in my riding and throughout the city. I would say though that the majority of the emails express concern about both.
I'd like to ask any of our panellists today to comment on the public argument being made by the proponents of the deal. It has been said and argued that the balance sheet of the merged entity will have the strength to make necessary investments to deliver 5G, that employment will be maintained in Calgary and, in fact, that there will be all kinds of new employment opportunities, and that ultimately in this deal consumers will be protected. In particular, the basic packages cannot rise for three years. Some would say though that any announcement of a merged transaction generally paints a positive view of it.
I'll ask any of our panellists to comment on the credibility of the claims, and whether a merger of this nature is necessary for this entity to have the balance sheet strength to make necessary investments in 5G.