I think our biggest problem was, first of all, that we didn't participate in the 150 years of natural resource development that went on in this country. I think it was probably partly our fault and partly the government's fault. Our ability to be able to participate in the natural resource industry as employees and contractors needed a little push. I think Canadians on average are very polite and progressive individuals. They treat people who come into this country with respect, help them get a job, get a house and so forth. We need that kind of consideration for first nations.
The ESG movement that's going on right now has enhanced our ability to be able to participate in the natural resource industry, and it comes at a time when the government has put on so many regulations that we're hindered in our ability to be able to get employees out there. For example, we have 12,000 self-identified indigenous [Technical difficulty—Editor] and that figure has increased to 14,000, even in consideration of the downturn and so forth. You're seeing more young people wanting to get involved in the natural resource industry, because it pays a lot more than any other industry and it gives you a lot more skills that you could transfer to other industries. We have to take advantage of that.
Last year we had over $1 billion in contracting opportunities for small businesses. Small business competition on first nation reserves has increased significantly. You have the Fort McKay First Nation, which has probably the most contractors per capita on a reserve in the country, with a zero unemployment rate. It took decades for them to transition from unemployment and despair to the kind of income that they have right now. We need the government's help to do this.
The only way we're going to get away from regulations is not to destroy the regulations but to bring in the first nations people who really are concerned about the environment, the land, the wildlife, fisheries, the air. First nations people aren't going anywhere, so they're the best equipped to handle that.