Member, that's a good question.
My response to that in terms of how to prevent all our purchasing going overseas to purchase things that could be made here in Canada, again really comes back to a buy clean type of approach. What the Biden administration is looking at in terms of the buy America approach, the Canadian version would ideally be where we would look at carbon content standards of metals, materials and products and goods that would come into Canada, and if those don't meet a threshold, they can't come in.
That would incent a number of things. One is that the manufacturer of those things would be here in Canada and scale up our manufacturing. Two, once that happens, we would be able to reach a sufficient size in terms of some of our industries, by which we'd get export into other markets because we would have low-carbon, sustainably produced products. Three, if those things are manufactured in Canada that will support a clean economy including mining, they will also ideally use Canadian metals and minerals in their production.
Those discussions are ongoing. Minister Wilkinson and Special Envoy Kerry made an announcement two weeks ago around looking at greening government. That is the first step down this path to address some of the issues you bring up.