The question I have with respect to the ethics committee is that they're not doing.... They had two meetings, and they're done, so this all rests in our.... They're done, because the Liberals voted against doing any more meetings on this in the ethics committee.
Going forward, the only way we're going to get to the bottom of some of this contradictory testimony is to have another meeting. We are the keepers of our own destiny, and we have the ability, as we have done here, either to add these on to Bill C-27 or to do separate meetings without doing any harm to our study on Bill C-27.
From our side, we're more than willing to put in the time, effort and work to get to the truth on this. If it requires more meetings outside of our normal schedule.... I understand MP Lemire's desire to find an accommodation, but the interaction and questioning is where it happens. Pre-set questions or some sort of report from a request from us doesn't allow us to have that interaction, either with the Ethics Commissioner or with the individual we haven't heard from, who's provided all this ethical advice to the SDTC board, which, in our view, is clearly totally against the Conflict of Interest Act and the SDTC act.
We haven't had a chance to question them, and we have, clearly, testimony from officials that was a lie about their participation—in particular Mr. Noseworthy. There is absolutely no way he has sat on that board since 2017 and couldn't remember any of the meetings. There is no way he sat on that board and had conversations at board meetings about the government's priorities without having any recollection of that. There's no way he had conversations with the chair of the board outside of those board meetings and couldn't remember. That's why, for some of us of a certain age, there's Sergeant Schultz's line, “I know nothing.” That was his claim, and that's a lie.
He needs to be accountable to this committee for misleading the committee on his participation, and the fact that our committee members here don't think it's a serious offence for a government official to mislead this committee is very disappointing.