I think it's going to be a lot of threading together of different things.
Copyright is key. You are hearing us say that as actors. I think you need to have protection on the data you're looking at in Bill C-27. I think it's very important for us to look at how it's scraped and what they're doing with it. We need to have knowledge about where this data is coming from in order for us to even be able to trace bad actors—and good actors who just happen to take it and may not know.
We're looking at things like this: What are you going to do with a worker who has their data taken from them by their employer so they can generate a program—say, a training session, etc.? Why not put something in the Employment Standards Act that protects all workers against having their name, image and likeness taken without consent, control and compensation?
Privacy laws have to be increased so we have those protections.
I'm sure there's more than that. This is going to be a patchwork.