In the Privacy Commissioner's submission to us on this issue—MP Masse only read a small part—he goes on to say, in talking about this issue:
As currently drafted, organizations could anonymize personal information using “generally accepted best practices”.
That's the term we're discussing here.
He goes on:
However, there is no explanation of what these practices are or what would be considered “generally accepted.” Including this language opens the door to the possibility that some organizations might rely on anonymization techniques promoted by certain experts or groups that are insufficient for a given dataset.
Liberal members, the government and yourself have used CANON as an example of an organization that would provide guidance. I've met with a number of the members of CANON, which include the big five banks, Rogers, Telus, Loblaws, Sun Life, Microsoft, the CRA, Canada Post, StatsCan and Health Canada. I look at those big corporate entities, and I know that when I met with those big corporate entities, they weren't interested in a narrowcast of a tight definition because it's not in their interests to be able to be restricted in that way. If you remove this section, I think it puts more onus on organizations to focus on what the Privacy Commissioner says and interprets. As we talked about at the last meeting around the best interests of children, the Privacy Commissioner has the responsibility under the provisions of this act to provide guidance to organizations on these areas, does it not?