I'll say three things maybe, and I'll turn to Mr. Chhabra and Ms. Angus for two of them.
One, to your last point, is that it isn't actually possible to necessarily find yourself before the courts in the current model of the bill, because in order to find yourself before the courts, you need a finding of violation by the Privacy Commissioner. That's a ticket to entry, so it does reduce the number of court instances in which this is potentially the case.
In the case of the current model, though, as you note, what happens when people don't like the determination that happens.... Maybe I'll turn to Mr. Chhabra and Ms. Angus to identify again what role we've given the courts as it relates to what they can and can't opine on. I think it's important, because at the core of this is who has interpretation and investigatory responsibilities under the act. In the scheme that's currently provided for under Bill C-27, the role of the courts in their actual consideration of OPC findings is actually relatively limited in certain cases.
I'll turn to Ms. Angus to walk through that.