To continue in the same vein as his initial answer, it's clear that the decision to proceed with a joint venture of this type was a deliberate decision to curb our momentum in the market at this time and, precisely, to reduce the speed at which we are able to obtain market share from clients and offer our service delivery to Canadians.
That said, I would like to add a comment.
In his opening remarks, Pierre Karl Péladeau mentioned that we nevertheless contacted Glentel to discuss the situation and to tell them that we understand that they have a new agreement, but that we would like to partner with them and be marketed as a neutral retailer.
I will repeat what they said in English, since we were told in English:
“I don't think we have anything to discuss on the topic you wanted to chat.”
In other words, it's not even worth sitting down and talking about it. It was a total rejection.