Those are the right priorities.
Last week, the Ethics Commissioner of Canada produced a report on the activities of the chair of Sustainable Development Technology Canada, a Crown agency charged with distributing money to pre-commercial green technology companies. That was in response to a letter from Conservatives way back in November asking for and seeking clarification from the commissioner on what we knew then. We know a lot more now, but we wanted to know what we knew then.
The shocking part of it, for those who weren't following, was that the Prime Minister's hand-picked chair was found to have breached ethics laws and the Conflict of Interest Act of Canada as a public officer holder for her private interests, and she improperly furthered those private interests.
This emergency meeting to discuss having some hearings on this was not only put forward by the Conservatives but was signed by both the NDP and the Bloc to have this as a statement of the urgency of this issue.
I'll briefly explain why this is important. We actually now have two shocking reports, the first one being the Ethics Commissioner's report on the conduct of the chair on a very small segment of what she did. He dealt with three instances essentially of conflict. The Auditor General's report that came out in June was even more shocking because, in the case of the chair, it actually found 20 conflicts of interest, and most of those were not examined by the Ethics Commissioner.
The report by the Auditor General found that for a little over $800 million of taxpayer money given to green technology companies in the five years she audited, 44% of the time, or 186 times, nine Liberal-appointed directors were found to have had conflicts of interest. The actual total of those conflicts of interest the Auditor General reported is $330 million of the $800 million. It was also found by the Auditor General that another $58 million was illegally spent outside the parameters of what SDTC was allowed to in their agreements with the Government of Canada. That's almost $400 million of the $800 million that was misappropriated or had a conflict of interest when it comes to this situation with the green slush fund.
Therefore, we are seeking a meeting with the Ethics Commissioner to discuss his findings. We need to do that quickly, because the transition of this fund to the NRC is ongoing right now, and money is starting to be spent again by the slush fund without our ability to still go in and understand the extent to which these funds were abused by insiders on the slush fund who were appointed by the Prime Minister.
We need to get to the bottom of this. We want to see the Ethics Commissioner come before this committee within the next four weeks. We'd like to see the subject of this report, Annette Verschuren, the former chair, also appear to discuss why she thought it was appropriate to, on almost 20 occasions, be in a conflict of interest where her personal financial interests were benefited by her being the chair.
The report also mentions an organization called MaRS. I think it's important for people to know that the industry department, through the regional development agencies, also funded over the last five years $48 million to MaRS from the federal taxpayer. Guess who the chair of MaRS is. It's the same chair who resigned in disgrace from the green slush fund and is the subject of the Ethics Commissioner's report.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.