Yes. I'll just provide some additional clarity.
Within the complaints-handling system, in terms of FCAC's role, of course we oversee the complaints-handling system of financial institutions and the external complaints body. The financial institutions, the federally regulated ones, also report annually to us on the complaints they receive. FCAC receives complaints as well through our consumer information centre.
I'm very familiar with the statistic that was shared earlier. I think it's important to note that of all the complaints FCAC receives directly—those could be calls or correspondence—we engage directly with each Canadian who contacts us. We receive approximately 13,000 contacts a year. Of those, about half are related to complaints.
I should note that a small percentage, approximately 280, are related to areas that FCAC actually oversees. I can say with certainty that everyone who contacts FCAC directly is contacted and replied to, either in writing or over the phone.