I don't think there's anything we can do, using RSA, to protect the communications that are being stored right now by adversarial nations. All of that information is going to be openable to adversarial governments if they've stored it, and I know they have. There's really nothing we can do about that.
Nonetheless, we can start to protect all the communications going forward by layering in RSA and all of these other layers of defence.
I think we should go so far, especially for critical infrastructure like access to power grids and to nuclear facilities, for goodness sake. Anything that has access using RSA of course has additional infrastructure, but it is a weak point. The only thing that's been proven to block that is going to be a one-time pad or a QKD solution.
Fortunately, Canada is a global leader on QKD. I can't tell you how fantastic it is to be in a country that is leading the world on this. We have quantum satellites at IQC, and the invention thereof, which was mentioned before by Gilles Brassard We have the talent to do it, but we need to mobilize because it's not sufficient for the researchers to just say it needs to happen.
There's a lot of work to be done.