What I would suggest is that, at the moment, people don't feel the urgency, and they need to. What I would say is that 10 years ago people were suggesting that full-scale quantum computers were 30 to 40 years away. Today, in many testimonies, you'd hear that it will be within 10 years. We think it will be sooner. It's going to be a bit of a “hockey-stick” transition, and we don't want this to be a tsunami that overwhelms everybody.
It's absolutely within our power to make these changes now. You don't need quantum talent to start to layer in and look at your infrastructure in terms of all of the different gaps. The problem is that with so much of our computational infrastructure using software as a service, it's difficult to figure out where all the leakage points with RSA are. It's a huge undertaking, and it will be much more convenient if we start now and learn best practices before these capabilities come online and surprise us, because once scale is unlocked it will come very quickly.