I think it's about looking at the processes that the CBSA employs. Sure, resources are also an issue. We're seeing it in terms of passenger movement, but it also affects goods movement. Quite frankly, there's considerable backlog for many of our members who are either importing or exporting goods, with many of these being inputs into the final products that they are putting to market. It's really a notion that we need to look at. Beyond resources, are there areas of duplication and so on within that process?
We've all seen what's happening for a number of reasons at our airports, just as one example, in terms of time delays and so on. The same thing is happening in terms of goods movement with regard to our ports of entry. It's really a comment that we need to look at everything we can to reduce duplication and to make the system as efficient as possible, especially as we're dealing with other pressures, such as staffing issues, etc.