With pleasure.
The Bell case, which is recent, was mentioned. I think it's a very good example of a business that takes matters into its own hands. Rogers recently made a real breakthrough too. It adopted an artificial intelligence-based technology that uses algorithms to provide call recipients with caller IDs or at least to let them decide whether calls seems legitimate.
You have to understand that the purpose of the STIR/SHAKEN technology isn't to block calls but rather to provide people receiving them with the information they need to decide whether they want to pick up once the calls have been validated at level A, B or C. Without going into the details, the role of the service provider through which the call is made will essentially be to authenticate the call by certifying that it comes from one of its clients, that it knows the individual and that it is indeed Ian Scott, for example. The service providers of individuals who receive calls will confirm that they may answer it and that it is indeed Ian Scott who's calling, not someone in Europe who's trying to defraud them.